If you have not authenticated with the neon auth command, running a Neon CLI command automatically launches the Neon CLI browser authentication process. Alternatively, you can specify a Neon API key using the --api-key option when running a command. See Connect.
The create-app command
The create-app command initializes a new Neon project with a primary database branch (for deployment) and a development database branch and bootstraps a full-stack application using your preferred package manager. The command supports the following stack components:
Package Manager: Choose from npm, pnpm, and bun
Frameworks: Next.js (SvelteKit and Nuxt.js coming soon)
ORM: Drizzle, Prisma
Authentication Framework: Auth.js
Deployment Platform: Choose from Vercel and Cloudflare
Once deployed, the starter app is ready for you to begin building.
This example shows how the neon create-app command bootstraps a full-stack application including a Neon project.
Your Neon project
If you selected Create a new Neon project when prompted with What Neon project would you like to use?, you'll find your newly created Neon project on the Projects page in the Neon Console. Your new Neon project will be named for the app project name you specified. For example, in the create-app example above, the app project name given was my-app. For a project with this name, you would see a Neon project named: my-app-project:
Neon project branches
Whether you created a new Neon project or selected an existing one, the create-app command creates a development branch in your Neon project, which you can see on the Branches page.
To get acquainted with Neon's database branching feature and how you can use branching in your development workflow, see Database Branching Workflows.
Your local app directory
After running the create-app command, you can explore your new bootstrapped app in your local app directory. It will appear similar to the following, depending on your selections:
Feedback and future improvements
If you've got feature requests or feedback about what you'd like to see from the Neon CLI create-app command, let us know via the Feedback form in the Neon Console or our feedback channel on Discord.
Join our Discord Server to ask questions or see what others are doing with Neon. Users on paid plans can open a support ticket from the console. For more details, see Getting Support.